Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Enjoying the Playoffs?

Well the dust has settled, the off season has begun for the Caps, and there are currently three teams left fighting for the cup.  Personally, I've found it hard to watch the rest of the playoffs because I hate everyone who is left.  I guess I'm rooting for the Kings if I had to pick someone.  I've been passing my time writing over at a new blog  If you like the Nationals or just want to keep up with what I'm writing that's a place to check out.

We will try and have to Cup-finals posts here and once the off season truly gets underway we will start to cover any capitals related news.

Hope y'all are getting along in this post-captials world and as always, thanks for reading.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Game 7 Failure Once Again.

I don't have a lot to say about tonight's game right now.  Can't say we didn't have our fair share of chances in it though.  In the days to come I'm sure we will be able to look back and reflect on the playoffs and the season.  We will be able to start looking ahead to next year.  Right now though, blah.

I present the evolution and of my playoff beard:

Nervous right before game 7 of the Boston Series.  That will be a night to remember: 

Optimistic before game 7 of the New York Series: 

After game 7 of the New York Series.  The end of the season:

Thanks for reading and check back in a few days of give me a follow on twitter (@dru90) to read our thoughts on the season. -Dru